Free TURKEY (TR) Proxy Premium Server List

Below is a selection of free proxies in TURKEY. These proxies are handpicked and tested to deliver optimal performance:

IP Proxy:PortProxy TypeAnonymity LevelCountry (City)Hostname (ISP/ORG)ResponseUptime (Mikrotik)Transparent (NOA) (Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S.)14.28914% (Mikrotik)Transparent (NOA)Turkeyundefined.hostname.localhost (Gibirnet Iletisim Hizmetleri Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi)5.828% (Mikrotik)Transparent (NOA)Turkey (Antakya) (High Speed Telekomunikasyon ve Hab. Hiz. Ltd. Sti.)14.666new – (HIA)Turkey (Köseköy) (DEDICATED-FIBER-COMMUNICATIONS)18.178new – (Squid)Anonymous (ANM)Turkey !!! (Kobikom Telekomunikasyon Bilisim Hizmetler San Ve Tic As)16.95811% (Mikrotik)Transparent (NOA)Turkey !!! (Guneydogu Telekom int.bil. ve ilt. hiz. tic. ltd. sti.)6.08624%

🇹🇷 Free Turkey Proxy Premium Server List

If you’re looking for Turkey proxies to access local content, increase privacy, or conduct web scraping, you’re in the right place! Our Free Turkey Proxy Server List offers reliable, high-speed proxies based in Turkey. Whether you’re looking to browse local websites, access geo-restricted content, or scrape web data, these proxies will help you maintain anonymity and secure browsing.

Why Use Turkey Proxies?

1. Access Local Content and Websites

Turkey has a rich cultural heritage and a wide variety of local websites. Using a Turkey proxy allows you to access Turkish websites, stream Turkish TV shows and movies, read local news, and interact with Turkish social media, all from anywhere in the world.

2. Increase Your Privacy and Security

When browsing the internet with a Turkey proxy, your real IP address is hidden, and your online activities become anonymous. This makes it harder for third parties to track your movements online, providing enhanced privacy and security.

3. Perform SEO and Market Research in Turkey

If you’re involved in SEO or digital marketing, using a Turkey proxy is invaluable. You can check search engine results, monitor local campaigns, and study market trends specifically in Turkey. This is crucial for tailoring your marketing strategies to the Turkish market.

4. Web Scraping and Data Collection

Turkey proxies are excellent for web scraping. You can gather data from Turkish websites, research products or services, and collect valuable insights without facing geo-restrictions. This makes proxies a powerful tool for businesses and researchers alike.

Features of Our Turkey Proxy List

Our free Turkey proxies are constantly updated to provide you with the best experience:

  • Supports Multiple Protocols: HTTP, HTTPS, and SOCKS5 proxies are available for different needs.
  • High Anonymity: Enjoy anonymous browsing with our high-anonymity proxies.
  • Fast and Reliable: We keep the list updated to provide the best performance with minimal downtime.

Updated Free Turkey Proxy List

We update our lists daily so you can get the best performing proxy list available.

How to Use Turkey Proxies

Step 1: Choose Your Proxy

Select a proxy from the list based on your connection requirements. Depending on whether you need HTTP, HTTPS, or SOCKS5 proxies, make sure to choose the one that fits your needs.

Step 2: Set Up the Proxy

  • For Browsers: Go to your browser’s settings and input the proxy information under network configuration settings.
  • For Applications: Many apps allow you to set up a proxy directly in their settings menu.
  • System-Wide Configuration: You can also configure your computer to use the proxy throughout all applications by changing the network settings in your system’s control panel.

Step 3: Confirm Your IP

Once your proxy is configured, check your IP address at websites like WhatIsMyIP to make sure it’s showing as a Turkish IP address.

Free vs. Premium Proxies

While free Turkey proxies can serve basic needs, premium proxies offer some distinct advantages:

  • Faster Speeds: Premium proxies provide faster and more reliable connections, which is especially useful for tasks like web scraping or streaming.
  • Better Uptime: Free proxies are often less reliable and have higher chances of downtime. Premium proxies guarantee more consistent availability.
  • More Secure: Premium proxy services offer extra layers of security, ensuring safer browsing.

For the best experience, consider upgrading to premium proxies, which you can find here.

Common Use Cases for Turkey Proxies

  • Access Turkish Content: Enjoy Turkish TV, news websites, and local streaming services with ease.
  • SEO & Digital Marketing: Test local search engine rankings and monitor your campaigns in Turkey for better-targeted marketing.
  • Web Scraping: Collect data from Turkish websites for research, business intelligence, or competitive analysis.
  • Boost Online Privacy: Protect your personal information while browsing or accessing Turkish websites.


Our 🇹🇷 Free Turkey Proxy Server List is regularly updated to provide you with the fastest and most reliable proxies for browsing and web scraping in Turkey. Whether you’re looking to access local content, enhance your privacy, or perform business research, our proxies can help you do it securely and efficiently.

Bookmark this page to keep up with the latest free proxies and enjoy the benefits of secure, anonymous browsing with our Turkey proxy list today!

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